Do you feel like your annual diversity and inclusion training is becoming mundane? Do you want to make a change but are not sure what to do or who to go with?
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace demonstrate the values and practices that support fair treatment to all employees and an environment. This includes talent, training, policies, and resources.
Be Inclusive: A DEI Card Game is a facilitation deck used to structure conversations centered on company culture and diversity. The goal is to help organizations navigate team building in the following areas:
- Employee Engagement – Heighten the level of employee involvement and level of commitment.
- Communication – Encourage coworkers to respectfully communicate to help build trust and improve collaboration.
- Collaboration – Allow team members to work together to share ideas, problem solve, and increase team effectiveness.
- Cultural Awareness – Be open to other viewpoints as people share their perspectives. Understand and respect the differences of their coworkers and help create a more inclusive culture.

Be Inclusive has two options, the Company Culture deck or the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion deck. Each deck consists of 50 prompt conversations that allow people to share their personal and professional experiences.
As a facilitator, Michelle will lead a 90-minute workshop. The overall goal is to create a safe, positive, and supportive team culture and environment that fosters trust, collaboration, and communication.

Are the cards available for sale?
Yes, cards are available for preorder. You can select between the Company Culture or the DEI deck.
- Company Culture Deck – $249
- DEI Deck – $249
- Both Decks – $450
Click here to place your order.
For bulk orders please send an email to
Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. *Limited offer
How are the cards used?
Each Be Inclusive deck is equipped with 50 questions.
Groups of 3-8 people allow for better conversational flow. The group will take turns pulling cards. Draw a card, read it to the group, and everyone may provide an answer to the question.
Note: The rules of the card game remain flexible to what works better with your group.
Your company can hire Line 25 Consulting to do a workshop or facilitated conversation. Based on the need we will select 10-20 cards for the workshop. The deck of cards and workbooks will be provided on the day of the event.
How many people are needed to play the game?
Be Inclusive is best used with at least 3 people to have a meaningful conversation. If there is a large number of people, it is best they are seated in groups of 8-10 people. If there are more than 10 people it is best to set up the room in a conducive manner that allows easy conversation.
How long is the Be Inclusive workshop?
A Be Inclusive workshop is a 90-minutes. Longer workshops are available upon request.
How much is a Be Inclusive workshop?
There are a few variables that go into putting on a workshop. It is best to contact us in order for us to provide you with a custom quote. Please send an email to
How can I get the best use of the cards?
Using Be Inclusive DEI card game is best used for any educational activities within the organization.
- DEI centered events
- Associations/Corporate/Nonprofits
- Conference workshops
- Board retreats
- Team building activities
- Black History Month, Diversity Month, and more.
This was an incredible experience for our team! Would a million percent recommend it ☺️
Contact Your DEI Facilitator
Are you ready for your next event? Well, we can help get you there with the Be Inclusive DEI card game. Be Inclusive allows having some fun yet thought-provoking insights when it comes to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Contact us today, so we can schedule your next event.
Please visit our diversity and inclusion training to view more options.